This website was created to give you a direct channel to the Society of Folk through Aubrey Manning's work on behalf of our Mother Earth. If you are already familiar with Dr. Manning and simply want to purchase books, please click on the cover of the book(s) you want to order. You can also find the the entire collection on by searching "books" for "The Folk of Yore" (with the quotation marks) or check with your local book store. ![]() We are also using this website to keep you informed about new and ongoing threats to the environment. The most serious is an experiment presently being conducted by the U.S. Directorate for the Administration of Geophysical Research. This is described in great detail in Dr. Manning's most recent book, Sacred Mission: A Call to Action. ![]() | ![]() ![]() "For all who love our Mother Earth We bring sweet tidings in Her stead." More than anything else, perhaps, the four books of The Folk of Yore are about interconnectedness, essential to grasp if we are to reach true balance and harmony with each other and with Nature. "We are in the midst of great change. Many crises and dangers loom. How will we deal with them? Will we remain immersed in fear, perceiving those who seem different as hateful? Will we continue to self-servingly exploit the planet and enter into a feverish battle with Mother Earth for survival? Or will we experience a Great Shift in consciousness? Will we finally pass from an age of fear and separatism to one of Love and interconnectedness? How will you participate?" Aubrey
Manning These books may help reveal answers already within you. Go deeper into Folk Space | If you are unfamiliar with the Society of Folk and Dr. Manning, this website will introduce you to them, her work as an environmental scientist, the 4 books of The Folk of Yore, and other writings. Dr. Manning is at the center of great controversy. Please bear in mind, much of what is reported about her these days is a distortion of fact. We ask that you hear and impartially judge for yourself what she has to say. What's at stake is too important to do any less. |