Sacred Mission: A Call to Action
is an exact transcription of journals written by Dr. Manning since her first meeting with Master Armaton.
She details the impact he and the Folk have had on the development of her work including the CUE (Cause Unto Effect) principle in which she postulated a factor common to all ecological crises that, when discovered, will reveal a single fundamental cause.
Through study of the Book of Symbols, Sacred Memories, and her experiences with the Folk, Dr. Manning has come to understand the connection between science and spirituality and now integrates her work in predictive computer modeling with Folk prophecy. With this wider perspective, she has discovered answers to long pursued questions.
Her most critical discovery is the threat of an imminent global cataclysm that can only be averted by immediately terminating weapons testing being conducted in the upper atmosphere by the USDAGR under the guise of benign geophysical research.
Dr. Manning understands other scientists' criticism and disbelief of her findings because they involve beings of light from a higher dimension. She writes about her own disbelief as a scientist upon meeting Master Armaton for the first time. His response then applies here and now: "Nothing (about this) defies your science. It simply calls upon parameters and processes that are outside the range of established understanding and perception."
Failing to overcome her colleagues’ doubts, she now appeals to you. Her only request is that you read her account. She makes no attempt in Sacred Mission to convince or persuade, only present what she has witnessed and experienced. It is up to you to judge whether it may be true or not ... and what to do if it is.
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